BrisDoc’s “Our Voice” Annual Co-Owners Survey
The 2024 survey is closed and reports have been shared with teams.
All co-owner feedback is invaluable and serves as one of the most crucial tools for shaping the future and direction of our organization. It’s our opportunity to express our thoughts, experiences, and suggestions, impacting the collective journey we are all on. Let your voice be heard and influence our shared goal!
This year we achieved a 65% response rate.
The Survey provides us with an overall “Cultural Score”, which started at 65.8 in 2019 and grew to 70.7% in 2022. We improved again in 2023, to a score of 71.3, which was described as a very impressive achievement by the survey provider, Learnership. We are in the top 20% of their benchmarked organisations. Well done and thank you. Please feel proud and encouraged; we are working well together and have been consistently heading in a positive direction.
Overview of results
- Our score of 71.3 categorises us as “one of the best” in the benchmark group
- “My manager treats me with dignity and respect” is our highest scoring individual question at 88.6 – reassuring and excellent
- “I am proud to work at BrisDoc” scores 86.0 and “If I make a mistake I feel comfortable to have an open discussion with my manager” 86.5 – both fantastic markers of our culture
Our Voice also demonstrates how we improved on and are living all five of our BrisDoc values from 2022 to 2023:
Our Patients 71.0 (previously 69.7)
- Our People 74.5 (previously 74.3)
- Our Services 70.3 (previously 69.2)
- Our Resources 67.0 (previously 66.5)
- Our Social Impact 72.0 (previously 71.0)
And the survey also identifies our lowest scores:
- “The technology that supports me in my work is secure, reliable and effective” 51.9 (previously 51.7)
- “I am clear about BrisDoc’s medium term aims” 52.4 (previously 47.3)
The Our Voice survey is very much about us and for us. The results are impressive and reflect the tremendous hard work and contribution of everyone during what has been a very challenging time. Thank you. There are areas we can improve and it is important for all of us, as co-owners, to have a voice and agree actions to help us be even better. For example, we will be doing more to embed our new strategy and aims, and create clear business objectives, so we all know where we are heading.
In 2023, for the first time, we measured our Employee Net Promotor Score by asking “How likely are you to recommend BrisDoc as a place to work?”. A good score is between 10-30, and anything near 50 is excellent. We scored a massive 57.6.
Thank you to everyone for helping to make BrisDoc a great place to work and to our Corporate Leadership Team, People Team, Co-owners’ Council, Health and Wellbeing Board, Equality and Diversity Group, Green Board, and Line Managers, for providing such caring and supportive leadership. We applaud and appreciate you all and please feel justifiably proud of the work you are doing.
2023 Our Voice results
2022 Our Voice results
Download the FAQs
What is the Our Voice survey?
Our Voice is our annual survey where we feed back on our experiences working at BrisDoc. All feedback is invaluable and serves as one of the most crucial tools for shaping the future and direction of our organisation. Our Voice is our opportunity to express our thoughts, experiences, and suggestions; impacting the collective journey we are all on.
Our Voice is an important exercise that enables us to see how we’re doing as an organisation, and where we need to improve. The feedback will establish our workforce priorities going forward; especially around culture, wellbeing, and equality, diversity, and inclusion, and can help to inform procurement exercises.
How long is the survey open for?
The Our Voice survey opens on Monday 9th September and closes Sunday 29th September.
Who can complete the survey?
All co-owners including Bank colleagues are encouraged to complete the survey. Self-employed colleagues are ineligible and new starters who have been with BrisDoc for less than 3 months won’t be able to complete Our Voice this year.
How long does the survey take to complete?
Your feedback has been heard and the survey is shorter this year. It should take 10mins to complete, and you manager will support and enable you to set aside time to complete the survey in one go (answers cannot be saved until final submission). Please do try to complete the survey within working hours, as compensation is not offered for completing it outside of this. If you’re struggling to find time to complete the survey, have a chat with your manager.
We recognise there are lots of staff surveys – local and national (e.g. the national NHS staff survey) – but please do prioritise Our Voice.
Is the survey anonymous?
Our Voice is run by an external company called Learnership – at any point, BrisDoc does not have access to, nor ever receives, identifiable survey data. Protecting anonymity is extremely important and Learnership employs many measures to ensure no responder is identifiable.
Equality and diversity monitoring data is collected but no reports on any characteristic will be produced if there are less than 5 responses. This is to ensure no responder is identifiable through their personal data.
The only way a responder could be identified is if they include identifiable or specific details in their free text question responses – and these will not be shared widely with all co-owners. Anonymised quotes from the free text data may be used in future BrisDoc communications and marketing materials – however the removal of these can be requested anonymously through the Suggestions Box below or by emailing workforcesupport@brisdoc.org
Which role and team do I choose?
If you have multiple roles, please choose your primary role, and then choose your team for that primary role. Make sure you scroll down the list to see all the options. If you would like to have a look at the team structure, please download the FAQs sheet (above).
What will be done following the Our Voice survey?
We will receive extensive reports at organisational, service, and team level from Learnership. Managers will be supported by the People team to interpret the data and form action planning based on the feedback. The data will also inform our BrisDoc organisational strategy and future development initiatives.
I'm a Manager, will I get a team report?
Every team with more than 5 members will receive a team-level report. Any teams under 5 members will not receive a report, or may be combined with an adjacent team to produce a report. This is to protect the anonymity of responders.
I have more queries, who can I contact?
Contact workforcesupport@brisdoc.org with any queries, or if you would like to feedback anonymously about the survey, use the Suggestions Box below.
Suggestions Box
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