Nursing & AHP Development Hub
The Development Hub contains a collection of resources to support you in your career as a Nurse or Allied Health Professional.
From online courses to newsletters and reading that you might find useful, the below can help in your development in clinical work, leadership and other skills. To apply for training, please fill out the form within the Training and Development Policy.
If you come across any useful resources that you think your colleagues could benefit from, please contact your Line Manager or email the clinical administration team on
Please also take some time to explore our Safeguarding Training page for information around requirements for Safeguarding Training, how you can access this and how to record your training.
Nurse and AHP Career Framework
We have developed an interactive Nurse and AHP Career Framework to give you a clear guide to career progression through BrisDoc.
Newsletters and Reading Resources
If you’re keen to read updates of clinical news, leadership materials or receive development opportunities/events straight to your inbox – we’ve compiled a list for you here!
- Medscape has lots of 2-minute articles around clinical news, you can sign up to the newsletters for updates.
- RCN Library holds a range of resources, including journals, exhibitions and news.
- NMC (Nursing and Midwifery Council) provides a list of approved education programmes and offers webinars and other events.
- RCN Library – RCN Library | Royal College of Nursing also holds journals/books on Nursing Management, Medicine Management etc to provide knowledge on leadership.
- Queen’s Nurses – Queen’s Nurses – The Queen’s Nursing Institute (
News and Events
HEE – South West News and Events – Advanced Practice (
The BNSSG Training Hub has a range of clinical skills courses, including Clinical Supervision Training, virtual forums and events.
Advanced Practice
Further education for advanced clinical practice
Physical Assessment and Clinical Reasoning for Practice is a 20-credit module, providing you with the opportunity to enhance your knowledge and understanding of history taking, examination techniques of the main body systems, as well as clinical reasoning skills.
Pathophysiology and Diagnostic Reasoning builds on knowledge to improve understanding and critical evaluation of the pathophysiology and diagnostics of common diseases seen in clinical practice. It is a Level 7 (Masters level) module.
Minor Illness and Minor Injury in Children can be a pathway into a prescribing role, providing you with knowledge of the differences between adult and children in healthcare.
AHPs into Practice
HEE has lots of information for the development of AHPs into Practice. Take a look at their ‘Roadmaps to Practice’ for supportive documents throughout the career pathway of an AHP.
One pathway is through the First Contact Practitioner route, then proceeds into Advanced Clinical Practice (see section below)
Another route is to do a Diploma in Primary and Urgent Care.
Advanced Practice
Advanced Clinical Practitioners are experienced clinicians who independently manage the clinical care process from start to finish. Working across traditional health and social care boundaries, they combine expert clinical skills with research, education and leadership.’ If you are interested in applying for an apprenticeship in advanced clinical practice, please contact your line manager directly or the clinical administrator team on
You can read more about what is required to obtain an advanced practice qualification, Health Education England’s news and resources around General Practice within the HEE Centre for Advancing Practice.
Independent Prescribing
This qualification enables clinicians to become prescribing clinicians. This multi-professional programme combines the learning outcomes set by the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) and the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC).
Please also take some time to explore our Safeguarding Training page for information around requirements for Safeguarding Training, how you can access this and how to record your training.
Keeping Bristol Safe Partnership (KBSP) Inter-agency Training
KBSP Inter-agency Training aims to increase participants’ knowledge and skills in the field of safeguarding so that professionals can provide high quality services and improve outcomes for adults, children, young people and their families and carers. Inter-agency training complements single agency and professional training by focusing on effectively working together to meet the needs of adults, children and families.
Find out more at Welcome to the Keeping Bristol Safe Partnership website. (
Leadership & Development
UHUK (Urgent Health UK)
As a member of UHUK (Urgent Health UK), we are entitled to a reduced rate for their affiliated courses. These are developmental short courses as opposed to clinical courses. Please click this link to see their list of upcoming courses as these are updated regularly – you should then discuss this with your line manager.
BNSSG Training Hub
The BNSSG Training Hub has a range of leadership/management courses, including Clinical Supervision Training, virtual forums and events.
FutureLearn have a range of free courses in leadership, additional skills and may other areas. For example, the Foundations in System Leadership course, builds the core skills and behaviours to implement systems leadership and use systems thinking to improve health and care.
The NHS Leadership Academy – Leadership Development Programmes
There are a variety of programmes that are designed to help everyone in the NHS discover their full leadership potential and achieve the highest standards in health care.
See what they have to offer by visiting
Primary Care Academy
This is a newly established regional education hub, providing workforce development, education programmes and lots of valuable resources.
Particularly relevant to paramedics in the South West, follow this link to explore this platform.
BMJ Best Practice
The BMJ (British Medical Journal) is responsible for clinical, medical and leadership journals and can be accessed for free using the following link. Please follow this link to register and use as required.
Fourteen Fish (Paramedics)
The link below gives Paramedics registered with the College of Paramedics and working in Primary Care a free year’s access to Fourteen Fish. This is an e-portfolio and online appraisal system which enables you to demonstrate how you are meeting competencies.
UWE offer a course in Minor Illness and Minor Injury in Children (MIMIC) and another in Physical Assessment and Clinical Reasoning of the Presenting Child (PACR).
Laura Rush Respiratory Training 
This training is aimed at healthcare professionals that are new to managing COPD and are wanting an introduction to the topic. Follow this link to find out more information.
Avon Local Medical Committee
Here, you can find lots of training courses, webinars and e-learning for all healthcare professionals.
Practice Nurse
To develop further as a practice nurse at BrisDoc, we recommend completing at least one of the following:
- Care of the Adult with Diabetes
- Chronic and Acute Care Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- Asthma Care and Management – Professional/Short course – UWE Bristol: Courses
Sexual Health
To become a specialist practitioner, one route is through taking the UWE module Promoting Sexual Health in Practice, level 3 and the UWE module Integrated Practice for Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare, level 3.
After this, you could complete an Online Theory Assessment (OTA) in Coil and Implant insertion/removal.
Opioid Substitution Management
Another specialist pathway is along the route of Opioid Substitution Treatment Management. A great place to start is Best Practice in Optimising Opioid Substitution Treatment (BOOST) E-lfh. After this, many workplaces would require a Certificate in the Management of Drug Misuse (SLD Training).