The purpose of the group is to act as a 2-way channel between Severnside IUC and its patients. It will achieve this by seeking the views of the patient to inform the way that the services and facilities might be improved.
The group will act as an advisory body, championing patient views and ensuring quality assurance that patient, carer and public concerns are taken into account by the organisation and that services are provided in an appropriate, safe, effective and timely manner. Whilst Severnside IUC will take cognisance of the outcome of the group it does not guarantee to be bound by them.
The group is not a forum for patient complaints. Severnside IUC has a separate complaints procedure which can be accessed via our website.
- Championing appropriate and meaningful engagement with patients and carers, ensuring engagement is inclusive and effective.
- To allow IUC senior clinicians to review whether the needs of the patient are at the forefront of all IUC activity.
- Actively seek patient participation and consultation of new IUC developments ad allowing feedback of these developments.
- To enable patients to make positive suggestions for healthcare and encourage, support and promote good health education/health promotion and practice.
- Report identified concerns from patient, carer and public around IUC healthcare services to the Clinical Services and Governance Board.
- Provide a 12 monthly report for IUC Newsletter and website
- Provide a forum for sharing local knowledge, experiences and feedback from other groups and local networks.
- Raise awareness of the IUC service and facilitate effective patient and carer access into IUC.
Co-owners Council Engagement
The Patient Board will provide a report to the Co-owners Council yearly, and will act upon requests from the Council.
The membership of the Board will be comprised of;
- a maximum of 8 members per geographical area.
- Membership is open to all who are registered at a practice within the commissioned area of IUC.
- There should not be more than two representatives from any practice or practice group.
- Members do not need to represent other interest groups but all efforts will be made to consider equality and diversity ensuring a range (although not exclusively) of age, gender, ethnicity, disability, carer representation and other patient groups.
- Membership and interests of the PG will be updated on the IUC website.
In addition, members will be co-opted into the group if particular issues or projects arise that require expertise from individuals other than substantive members. This includes a representative of the co-owners’ council if required or is requested by the council.
The group will be chaired by a patient representative, with the chair and vice-chair appointed annually.
Meetings will be held quarterly in each geographical area i.e North Somerset, Bristol and South Gloucestershire with 2 combined meetings.
Remote access into the meetings should be made available wherever possible.
An IUC representative will attend to take notes.
All members will be contacted in advance and invited to raise items for the agenda. Agenda papers will be distributed in advance, whenever possible.
Patient representatives with questions or issues should contact the IUC PG lead.
Members are expected to respect the rules of confidentiality and not discuss personal issues or sensitive information.
Meetings will be open to any registered patient or carer within the IUC area of operation.
The PG may invite relevant professionals or patients to specific meetings. Any such persons shall respect the confidentiality of the PG.
A quorum will consist of 30% of patient membership and 2 IUC representatives.
If a decision cannot be reached by mutual agreement or vote the Chair has the casting vote.
Reporting and Accountability
The PB is accountable to the Co-Owners Council. The Chair will report on the activity and outputs of the PB, providing assurance on taking into account patients’ needs and feedback from patients, identifying areas for service improvement or development.
The TOR for the PB will be reviewed annually.
Version Control
Version | Date | Author | Changes Overview |
V1.0 | 28/06/2022 | Frank Burge | Initial TOR Review |
Agenda Template
Number | Item | Presenter |
1 | Introductions, Apologies & Conflicts of Interest | Chair |
2 | Previous Minutes and Action log | Chair |
3 | Patient Engagement | Chair |
4 | Service changes, patient perspective | Chair |
5 | AOB | Chair |