Health & Wellbeing needs to be at the heart of healthcare – a healthy workforce leads to better healthcare. BrisDoc is a social enterprise organisation which champions staff wellbeing as a key factor in service performance and patient care.
We want to provide a safe, healthy and inclusive workplace, where our staff are able to manage themselves and support others. All staff should feel they work in a safe, supportive, non-judgmental environment. Investing in the health and well-being of our staff will enable us to deliver a better service and improve patient care.
What is Health and Wellbeing?
“Health and Wellbeing is about being emotionally healthy as well as physically healthy. It’s feeling able to cope with normal stresses, and living a fulfilled life. It can be affected by things like worries about money, work, your home, the people around you and the environment you live in. Your wellbeing is also affected by whether or not you feel in control of your life, feeling involved with people and communities and feelings of anxiety and isolation.” Source: National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) 10
- What we aim to achieve
- A workplace that supports and values people, both in their professional capacity and their personal health and wellbeing
- High employee morale and engagement
- A healthy and inclusive culture
- A healthy work environment
- Low sickness absence
- How we measure improvement
- Annual staff survey results/ Staff feedback
- Quarterly Wellbeing Survey
- Staff engagement / participation i.e., uptake of social events etc
- Retention rates
- Sickness data
- What ideas and interventions will we deliver to get us there
- On-line Wellbeing Hub – pointing staff to validated resources / ideas to support physical, emotional, financial and social wellness.
- Funded Employee Assistance Programme – including access to 24/7 advice, support and accredited counselling services
- Mindful Employer Helpline – 24-hour confidential helpline
- Warwick Wellbeing ‘temperature check’ Survey
- Wellbeing Social Committee – planning events to support with well-being i.e., Pilates sessions, book club, bake-offs etc
- Collaboration with BNSSG Healthier Together Support Network –
- Healthier Together Support Network ‘hub’
- Access to clinical psychologist sessions, therapy, consultation services and/or training for mangers/leaders
- Ad-hoc staff questionnaires to gain feedback e., what would staff like/what do they need/what helps etc
- Staff Wellbeing to become a standing agenda item on all BrisDoc Boards
The membership of the Group will be comprised of:
- Representatives from all services (ideally) i.e., Business, Practices, Severnside IUC
- Representative from HR (People) Team
- Co-owners Council Representative
In addition, members will be co-opted into the group if particular issues or projects arise that require expertise from individuals other than substantive members. This includes a representative of the co-owners’ council if required or is requested by the council.
The Health & Wellbeing Group is empowered to develop and implement action plans / initiative / interventions to support Wellbeing, drawing on key individuals as necessary.
From October 2022 the Health & Wellbeing Group have a budget of £35,000 per annum.
- A portion of the budget will be set aside each year to fund the ‘tradition’ of an annual BrisDoc staff party and children’s Christmas party – anticipated to be approx. £8k each year.
- A further portion will be dedicated to fund current external intervention services i.e., the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP); Mindful Employer etc – anticipated to be approx. £3.5/4k each year.
- £5kpa will be allocated (via Service credit cards) to support staff wellbeing ‘on the ground’ i.e., purchasing food during particularly tricky shifts etc. Parameters around this spend are expected to be limited to £200 at any one time, with financial input above £200 to be requested via the Health & Wellbeing Group.
- £5kpa will be allocated directly to fund a programme of Wellbeing Social events each year – programme tbc
- It is anticipated that the remaining budget is apportioned across Financial, Emotional & Physical wellbeing – to be reviewed during the year.
- Decisions that involve spending over and above the allocated annual budget will be escalated to the People / Corporate Leadership Board.
Co-owners Council & Green Board Engagement
The Health & Wellbeing Group will maintain a clear channel of communication with the co-owners’ council and Green Board so that both parties are able to share information and consult one another as appropriate. This will a) ensure that the co-owners’ council remains part of this group’s consciousness when making key decisions and b) avoid duplication with Green Board initiatives.
The Health & Wellbeing Group will meet on a monthly basis. Additional exceptional meetings can be called as required i.e., to support with a Critical Incident.
For the Health & Wellbeing Group a minimum of three members, with at least one Wellbeing Lead to be present for a decision to be made.
Reporting and Accountability
The Health & Wellbeing Group is accountable to the People Board. The Wellbeing Leads will share Minutes of their monthly meetings in order to report to the People Board on the activity of the H&WB, and provide assurance on Wellbeing support within BrisDoc.
The TOR for the Health & Wellbeing Group will be reviewed annually.
Version Control
Version | Date | Author | Changes Overview |
V1.0 | 8th October 2018 | Juila Holman (Wellbeing Lead/Head of AGPT) | Initial TOR |
V2.0 | July 2021 | Nicki Clegg (Joint Wellbeing Lead / People Partner) | Review in light of new Wellbeing Leads – converted to Strategy & Purpose Document. |
V3.0 | 19th October 2022 | Nicki Clegg (Joint Wellbeing Lead/People Partner) | Review and Update to new TOR format. |
V3.1 | 28th February 2024 | Mike Duncan (Director of people) | Changed authorising director to M Duncan and changed job title |