It is BrisDoc’s policy to ensure that appropriate first aid arrangements are in place for Co-owners and any visitors or contractors who may be visiting BrisDoc premises. BrisDoc trained first aid personnel may also assist others in the vicinity of the workplace in an emergency if appropriate. In this instance they are operating as first aiders.
The aim of the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 is to reduce the effects of injury or illness suffered at work, whether caused by the work itself or not. BrisDoc ensures that the first aiders in the workplace have attended suitable training, hold appropriate certification, and remain competent to perform this task. In the Treatment Centres or GP Surgery, the appropriate first aider may be any clinician registered and licensed by their professional body.
First Aid – Statement of Commitment
BrisDoc recognises its general duty to ensure the health, safety and welfare of its co-owners, contractors, and anyone else who may be affected by its activities, so far as is reasonably practicable. BrisDoc will comply with the provisions of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and all relevant subsidiary regulations
Adhering to The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 is a legal requirement. Regulation 3 of the act says that as an employer BrisDoc has a duty to make adequate provision for first aid for co-owners, visitors and any contractors who are on site.
First aid arrangements include a sufficient number of first aid trained or professionally licensed and registered clinical workers. This will be dependent on the location, and business requirements. BrisDoc will maintain an adequate supply of first aid equipment and sufficient information for staff to enable first aid assistance to be sought during normal working hours.
BrisDoc will ensure that an assessment of first aid requirements for each workplace is made. This will be appropriate to the workplace circumstances, hazards and risks.
BrisDoc will ensure that all regular places of work including vehicles have a regularly checked first aid kit in place. Responsibility for ensuring the contents of first aid kits is checked routinely for their service rests with the Facilities, Service or Practice Managers.
First aid and accident book information is shared with all employees during their induction, and will also be shared with them when they attend each new location. In addition to this, there is signage to show where the first aid box is stored.
Should a visitor or contractor feel unwell, or have an accident, then the co-owner supervising the visit will be responsible for contacting the first aider.
Accident Reporting
The accident book should be completed by either the person who has had an accident or the first aider if the person is unable to do it themselves.
If a visitor or contractor has had an accident, the person supervising the visit and the first aider, have a joint responsibility to ensure that an entry is made in the accident book. Accidents will be reported to the Quality Manager via an incident report form or a copy of the accident form. Reported accidents will be logged in LERIS or ClarityTeamNet and reported quarterly to the Quality Board using the Assurance Report. Accident reports and actions will be monitored by the Health & Safety Assurance & Steering Group.
BrisDoc will ensure that RIDDOR reporting requirements are adhered to as stated under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR).
Co-Owner Training
Where required (if no registered clinical staff are present) named first aiders in the workplace have attended suitable training, hold appropriate certification, and remain competent to perform this task. All co-owners will complete a number of statutory and mandatory training courses annually to reduce the risk of work place accidents or injuries.
First Aid Kits
The first aid kit will not be removed from its designated place without a cascade notice being sent to all co-owners.
Any loss or damage to first aid equipment must be reported to your line manager who will liaise with the responsible person.
If a first aid kit is poorly stocked this should be reported to your line manager, who will liaise with the responsible person.
Workplace first aid kit contents
BrisDoc will ensure that first aid kits contain as a minimum the following items.
- Guidance card 1
- Individually wrapped sterile plasters (assorted sizes) 20
- Individually wrapped sterile wipes 10
- Sterile eye pads 2
- Sterile individually wrapped triangular bandages 2
- Safety Pins 6
- Large sterile individually wrapped wound dressings 2
- Medium sized sterile individually wrapped wound dressings 4
- Non latex sealed sterile paired gloves 6
- Burn ointment or dressing 1
- Small conforming bandage 1
- Microporous tape 1
- Scissors 1
These items will be placed in a suitable box or container marked with a white cross on a green background.
Vehicle first aid kit contents
BrisDoc will ensure that our Vehicle first aid kits contain as a minimum the following items.
- Guidance card 1
- Individually wrapped sterile plasters (assorted sizes) 10
- Sterile eye pads 1
- Large sterile individually wrapped wound dressings 1
- Medium sized sterile individually wrapped wound dressings 2
- Sterile individually wrapped triangular bandages 1
- Resuscitation face shield 1
- Safety Pins 4
- Non latex sealed sterile paired gloves 2
- Disposable heat retaining adult blanket 1
- Scissors 1
These items will be placed in a suitable container marked with a white cross on a green background.
Change Register
Date | Version | Author | Change Details |
August 2019 | 1.2 | CL Nicholls | Mapped to new policy template, updated value slides, included ClarityTeamNet and relevant new governance structure arrangements. |
September 2019 | 1.2 | CL Nicholls | Routine review and update |
February 2023 | 1.2 | Traci Clutterbuck | Policy mapped to new policy template. Language changed from employee to co-owner, Accident reports are shared quarterly via the Assurance Report to the Quality Board. All accidents should be reported as learning events and a copy of the report shared with the Quality Manager |