Co-Owners Meeting 27/04/2023 19:00-20:30
Minutes- JB
Meeting started with Kelly informing everyone about the EOT seminar 10/05/23, details to be sent out. This is for staff to join and discuss about engagement with our staff.
Shared what co-owners chart looks like, will be on radar. Screen shared and explained. Asked for everyone to send Kelly pictures so they can be added under names.
Co-Owners TOR.
Was sent out with previous minutes. Updates needed- memberships add Kelly and Robert, chair Ray & co-chair.
Summer Party.
June 24th Brisfest, please encourage teams to sign up to attend.
Greenboard Update DL
Nothing received to update.
Brief update in previous co-owners meeting. RH explained what G&FB are, what they do and background. Objectives have been set and are on radar and have been sent out to teams. Growth ideas were left, as a group they sought ideas to focus attention and determination on suggestions for growth that were of most benefit to organisation, 36 of them, all considered and scored accordingly. Scored over 7 they were then taken forward, high threshold as inclusion. Keen to understand organisationally from the 7 what our capacity for growth was and recognised the pressure this would put on key individuals and teams to achieve more when already under pressure. ADASTRA outage stopped all G&FB. On re-grouping we come to realise there’s lots of growth, planning that goes on outside of the group within the organisation. Lots of future scanning and development that goes on that requires attention, focus and capacity of key teams and to do more than what was being done would be particularly challenging. In light of this, the list was reviewed again. RH shared the revised ideas that scored 7 or above with a detailed explanation on each idea. Jane Greenway would like to be involved with ED&I and was advised to email Mike Duncan.
TC- BDA & ME, C shared at previous meetings that this was its own independent company. Which parts of G&FB are increasing revenue for BrisDoc? Or is it just getting our name out and raising awareness of what we do?
RH- what brings in money is SCAS. MH developments including ACE cas, BDA & ME, C is separate business it is still tied to BrisDoc as an organisation. What is not revenue growth is- people board stuff, toolkit growth, wellbeing leads, clinical assistance. ME, C background- training course by Kathy and Caroline, provides coaching and education around leadership on email writing, communication and leadership within the programme.
MH CAS- how soon will we be able to see the impact? RH is managing the programme, service as a whole stand down 80% ambulance 40% police response and 111 sent 2 PTs to ED ever, system impact and resource are having a big impact across the system and South west. RH happy to come back and talk about development in future. Feedback from PTs- PSQs are being done, low response due to cohort, will kook at more feedback ways such as F2F/survey work.
G&FB Future- demonstrated how much growth we do within organisation not just in G&FB. Regular space for G&FB is not needed, moving forward the meetings will be 6 monthly to review objectives, sense we are on track and for any updates. CLB strategic day (11/05) is to review objectives, G&FB will then update 1–2-year objectives after.
Thanks given for the detailed summary. Are there more things co-owners should be involved in?
Rhys is happy to provide ACE/MH updates as and when, as G&FB moved down, the engagement will take on a different lead. Fast moving changes are being made, difficult to keep everyone updated at the time. SCAS update/ACE development- fast moving also, not everyone up to speed, idea of having 1 area of development and getting detail would be good- will come back to this. Clare happy to feedback form her workforce on SCAS and ACE-very helpful.
Massive workforce within a massive workforce with different skillset who don’t necessarily know as much as we could do, use co-owners to represent what skills are within teams to try and bring back knowledge to help us grow in future. Would be helpful for the people who have been here a long-time also-lots of growth since then- truly amazing how far we have come in a relatively short amount of time. Primary care perspective- great to see what’s going on but we are on the edge how it affects primary care, want to share all the fabulous work that is coming on, please keep sharing all the positive good work.
Agreed G&FB will be stood down, RH happy to come and update.
Theme is E.O.T what it means to us, how to be involved. Be great if we can have 2 co-owners’ members to help. Please email Kelly to offer assistance.
Questions from co-owners/teams-
Rota team- wellbeing and team awards: they have lost them due to workloads, not been able to use them. Can something be done for what they should have had in 1st place?
KS- It wasn’t a fund for individuals as such, it was a fund for managers Per person in the team to be able to help teams when busy or in stress, as an example order in pizzas on a busy hard shift, unfortunately it went wrong and didn’t work. We gave a deadline of when to be used, if anything got left over it went towards the summer party, EAP, wellbeing coaches. There is a “pot” of money where managers can buy for their teams in times of need- being held by H&WB team.
Drivers- EOT/Living payment can this be added to hourly rate, is this wise corporately instead of a lump sum? How much goes to community fund/overseas projects? “Increase frontline staff money for a strong stable workforce” this was read from an email that was sent.
KS- EOT bonus is tax free, if per hour pay it wouldn’t be tax free and they would miss out. It is profitable dependant; it is not guaranteed every year. OOH may not work enough hours to pay tax. 10% of profit goes to community fund, 30% goes overseas and 70% local communities. Was 50/50 but now giving more money to local charities.
RM- well done Kelly on answer. Underline the point made about bonuses- these have always been done within Brisdoc, difficult to know if profit or not, when you tie expenditure into pay there is no flexibility there. Always been the element of 5% money we anticipate being able to award. We have never had to not give a bonus, reflects the skill of Nigel and finance team who keep this stable, a consistent feature. The whole point is it is more efficient to get money to everyone without paying tax. Some flexibility over % for overseas for the community fund , 51:47 Lose sound. Have not heard any voices over stopping community fund.
KS- community fund we are doing/fulfilling our social enterprise commitment.
LW- wellbeing fund going forward- not a pot of money per team to go and spend, if you want a special request you go to H&WB?
KS- anything under £200 you can just go and do, just let us know anything above this as we need to confirm first.
Example- lunches are fine to go and do, inform H&WB. If funds run short there will be an update. On expense form or credit card statement you will need to put H&WB fund.
LW- this has been so well received form GPs and clinical guardian-thank you!
CW- feeling uncomfortable around this, about taking team for lunch, understand team bonding but not something everyone can do. Re-enforcing feeling not being part of it/not equal.
KS- it is up for the mangers to decide, not all teams do the same, we can’t police each team. We are monitoring this over the next 6 months, will then take back to H&WB meeting and go from there.
General understanding how it can be difficult for teams to go out altogether. It is there for teams who are struggling as a wellbeing pick me up. Have realistic expectations of what your team can do and acknowledge if people can`t attend.
Will collate ideas of what others have tried, after the 6 months KS will bring back to Co-Owners meeting.
Roadshows/co-owners presence there, it would be good to canvas there.
C Warbis- I have been asked by more than 1 person why employed GPs get more Annual Leave than any other employee? Will it be looked at in days of equality?
RM- did not know this was the case. Historically it is within contracts. Unsure how to solve this. Would be good to raise with Mike Duncan.
RH- down to T&C in sectors- GPs have BMA contract, don’t have it in nursing or other sectors, this defines certain level of annual leave. Don’t have a comparator in NMC or others which drive this activity, you have agenda for change. People board would need to consider this. We can’t just doc GP pay and then the financial impact for raising everyone’s annual leave, it is difficult to balance and we need to be mindful. Take a view in longer term rather than short term.
CW- be good to find out why historically this happens.
KS- happy to take to people board. **ACTION**
RM- wanted to signal we are anticipating another EO membership association conference. No conference announced yet. If there is stuff we are doing and want to shout about this would be our opportunity to. 27/28 November is the anticipated.
Acknowledge contribution Mark has given to co-owners and all colleagues at CKMP.
Good to hear people have had comments back form people they represent. Hopefully the roadshows will help in how to get people engaged.
Feedback- un-green doing patients feedback via paper and the cost. Can it be electronically?
TC- we do both paper and digital PSQs. The PSQs that get returned are far more paper than digital. Moving forward hopefully the people who respond via paper will go digital. The paper used is recycled paper, we then recycle paper once we have the information.
CW- expensive way to gather data. Franking alone is expensive. £100s a month. Why send paper? So un-green! Is there not a way we can trial electronically for 2 months?
TC- we send out fewer paper than digital, there is a digital cost also not just software. It has been looked at, for right now it will stay as it is until paper copies are fewer.
In practice- they are being done electronically after appointment. A text message gets sent.
RH- acknowledge there is a thing about equality if we don’t do paper, you exclude a cohort, we are seeking to go digital, it is manual so restricted on numbers to send out. Seeking digital solution that is not manual.
RM- digitally disabled part is very significant. Age cohorts also. Be in favour of moving digital. If move digital you would lose all the over 70+.
Thanks for attendance.
Items to escalate-
Annual leave to people board.