At BrisDoc, individuals are required to use computers for their roles. Computer usage must comply with BrisDoc’s Information Governance Framework and social media Policy.
Internet use during company time is authorised for conducting BrisDoc business. However, personal internet use should be limited during “quiet” moments or break times. Excessive personal use may result in disciplinary action.
Prioritise job duties and patient care over personal internet use. Consider the impact of personal internet use on network performance and patient care. Avoid accessing offensive or inappropriate sites on BrisDoc computers. Violation can lead to disciplinary action, including termination.
Exercise caution on social media. Do not post comments that could bring BrisDoc into disrepute or breach confidentiality. Staff are responsible for their online comments about BrisDoc.
Avoid posting sensitive or identifiable patient information. Refrain from offensive, discriminatory, or bullying comments or images. Obtain explicit consent before posting pictures of staff or patients. Report work-related grievances using the Grievance Policy.
Offensive/inappropriate material includes abusive, threatening, discriminatory, or indecent content. Do not breach copyright or engage in illegal activities online.
Streamlining guidance on internet use and social media will ensure adherence to policies and protect company interests.