Our Mission
“Patient care by people who care”
Our Ambition
To provide excellent healthcare 24/7; to reduce health inequalities and improve wellbeing; to support, value and energise our staff as an inclusive and diverse employee-owned social enterprise; to develop an open learning and coaching culture; to promote and enable creativity and innovation; to minimise our environmental impact and become carbon neutral; to provide social value and value for money for our population.
Our Core Values
Our Patients
Treat patients with compassion, dignity, respect and in a timely, responsive and person-centered way, championing health equalities 24/7.
Our People
Grow our people through our coaching culture, clear leadership, strong work life balance, flexible and portfolio roles, focus on wellbeing and enable all employees, as co-owners to get involved in the development of our organisation.
Our Services
Deliver excellent community based, sustainable healthcare through our services that are safe, supportive, collaborative, effective, open, transparent and foster a culture of learning and improvement.
Our Resources
Make best use of all available resources including: technology; facilities; equipment; consumables; finance, both our own and that of the wider health and social care system.
Our Social Impact
Tackling climate change through green innovations and reducing our carbon emissions; be an equal and diverse employer that proactively promotes inclusion; engage with local communities so that we are informed by public voice; give back to our community through volunteering and our Community Fund.