To ensure the proper handling of information at BrisDoc, we have several key roles dedicated to information governance, including:
- Senior Information Risk Officer: Jonathan Pearce
- Caldicott Guardian: Dr. Kathy Ryan
- Data Protection Officer: Affinity Resolutions (external)
- Information Security Manager: Debs Lowndes
They receive support from Heads of Service and Corporate Leads, such as Practice Managers, the Head of Workforce, and the Head of Integrated Urgent Care. Together, they form the Information Governance Board, convening quarterly to oversee these crucial matters.
All Staff: Every staff member plays a vital role in preserving confidentiality and security. It is their legal duty to maintain the privacy of confidential data and refrain from disclosing information, whether inadvertently or intentionally.
Key Responsibilities:
To fulfill their responsibilities, staff must:
- Avoid discussing confidential matters in public spaces or where they can be overheard.
- Never leave assets containing personal, commercially confidential, or special categories of personal data unattended. This includes telephone messages, computer printouts, faxes, and other documents.
- Ensure they log out of computer systems where sensitive information can be accessed or viewed by unauthorised individuals.
- Access healthcare records only when relevant to their role. Unauthorised access will be considered a severe breach of confidentiality, leading to action under BrisDoc’s Disciplinary policy, which may result in dismissal.
- Never use someone else’s password to access data, as this is a serious breach under the Computer Misuse Act 1990 and a violation of Service IT policies. Such actions constitute a disciplinary offense and could be considered gross misconduct, leading to dismissal.
We are committed to fostering a culture of responsibility and trust at BrisDoc. By adhering to these guidelines and embracing the principles of information governance, each staff member contributes to the security and confidentiality of our data, ultimately benefiting our patients and the community we serve. If you ever need further guidance or have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. Together, we ensure that our practices align with the highest standards of information governance.