The purpose of this SoP is to ensure that BrisDoc can fully exercise its duty to protect the public and patients by contracting appropriately registered clinical staff.
This SoP applies to all Independent GPs and the existing Independent Pharmacist working across all services within BrisDoc. BrisDoc are no longer onboarding new Independent Pharmacists.
The Workplace
BrisDoc meets its responsibility by ensuring:
- A system is in place to check that the registration status of Independent GP’s and the Pharmacist is confirmed and monitored on an ongoing basis. These details are held within Rotamaster. This database is maintained by Clinical Relationship Coordinator for all Independent GP’s.
- That prompt action is taken to protect the public’s and patients’ interests when an Independent GP or Pharmacist is found not to be registered. It is the responsibility of the Directors to determine appropriate action.
The Independent Contractors
It is the responsibility of all Independent GP’s and Pharmacist working with BrisDoc who are required to register with an appropriate regulatory body to:
- Retain current and up-to-date registration;
- Present timely proof of continuing registration to the Clinical Relationship Coordinator;
- Inform the registration office of the relevant regulatory body if their registered address changes;
- Ensure they understand their responsibilities under the policy and consult the workplace if they believe their registration status has been affected.
The Clinical Relationship Coordinator (CRC)
It is the responsibility of the Clinical Relationship Coordinator (CRC) to:
- Ensure registration is confirmed at the onboarding stage and the appropriate paperwork (e.g. GMC/certificates) is returned to the Clinical Relationship Co-ordinator). No new Independent GP is allowed to commence work until all the necessary checks have been completed
- Ensure all new starter forms are fully completed and contain the registration number and expiry date.
- Carry out regular registration checks online and update the database accordingly.
- Check the online register for all newly recruited professional staff and add them to the database.
Frequency of Compliance Checks
The following table details the different checks required for all Independent GPs and Pharmacist after commencing onboarding.
Check | Frequency |
Professional Registration (GMC/GPC) | Automated daily check |
Performers List (GPs only) | Every 3 Months |
DBS | Every 3 Years |
Right to Work | As appropriate |
Indemnity | Checked during onboarding. This is then the clinician’s responsibility to keep up to date. |
Mental Capacity Act | Checked during onboarding. This is then the clinician’s responsibility to keep up to date. |
Safeguarding Adults L3 | Checked during onboarding. This is then the clinician’s responsibility to keep up to date. |
Safeguarding Children L3 | Checked during onboarding. This is then the clinician’s responsibility to keep up to date. |
Basic Life Support | Checked during onboarding. This is then the clinician’s responsibility to keep up to date |
Professional Registration (GMC)
For both the General Medical Council (GMC) & General Pharmaceutical Council (GPC) RotaMaster processes a daily check of all clinicians against the relevant register. BrisDoc’s CRC will confirm this check during on-boarding.
Ongoing Checks
RotaMaster will highlight red anyone listed on the GMC and GPC booked to a shift with outstanding Professional Registration actions.
Anyone highlighted red will be identified by the Rota Team’s process as per the Rota Team Clinical Rota Fill Handbook. These clinicians will be flagged to the.CRC to investigate and obtain all relevant information to complete the check. Where the CRC cannot satisfy themselves, the registration is complete this will be escalated immediately to the Head of IUC.
Performers List
For a GP to practise as a GP in England, they must be registered on an NHS England Performers List, which is verified via https://www.performer.england.nhs.uk/
On completing the onboarding process, the Clinical Relationship Coordinator will update the compliance section of RotaMaster to record the first check completed. The Clinical Relationship Coordinator is responsible for the ongoing checking of the performers list every 3 months.
The performers number will be the GMC number, the Verified Date is the date of the last check, the Expiry Date should be set to 3 months after the last check.
RotaMaster will email the Clinical Relationship Coordinator 7 days before the expiry date is due.
Completing and recording the check
To complete the check visit https://www.performer.england.nhs.uk/ and then search for the clinician GMC number in the search box. Results will appear underneath the search box, cross reference the name with the GMC number to confirm you are looking at the correct GP. Once you have identified that it is the right GP, click on their name on the right-hand side. This will show you more information for the GP. Please ensure the status is ‘Included’ on the Performers List.
If the status is different to this, please inform the DMD (Deputy Medical Director) immediately, you may need to investigate further.
Download the results as a PDF and save them in the Performers List folder within the GP’s folder in the following format YYYY-MM-DD Performer’s List check.
Once saved, the CRC will update RotaMaster with the new verified and expiry date.
DBS checks
All clinicians working with BrisDoc are required to have a DBS dated within the last 3 years.
The DBS information will have been recorded on RotaMaster whilst onboarding. After this the Clinical Relationship Coordinator is responsible for ongoing checks and ensuring new checks are completed before the existing DBS runs out.
It is recommended that clinicians sign up to the DBS update service as this will reduce the time taken to complete these checks. This also reduces the chances the clinician will be blocked from booking shifts as the DBS is less likely to expire before the next check
Completing checks through the update service
To check a DBS via the update service, visit DBS Update Service and you will need.
- Permission from the Clinician to perform the check (this should be via the onboarding email and a record saved in the mailbox)
- Access to the initial certificate
- DOB and Surname of the Clinician on the certificate.
To complete the check, you will first need to check the certificate to ensure
- Workforce type checked was Child and Adult Workforce
- Nothing is recorded for any of the checks
- The details match the clinician
Once confirmed you can then visit DBS Update Service and complete the search.
Check the results have not revealed any new information and download the results as a PDF and save them in the DBS folder within the GP’s folder in the following format YYYY-MM-DD DBS check. If any details have changed this must be flagged to the DMD immediately.
Once saved, RotaMaster will need updating with the new check completed.
DBS’s are considered valid for 3 years from the date of the check.
Completing a new DBS check
BrisDoc do not pay for DBS checks for Self-Employed GPs.
Checks can be performed via https://www.hr-platform.co.uk/app/login/ucheck
Once logged in go to the top right corner and select ‘Check a NEW applicant’ complete section 2 with the first name, surname and email address.
Ensure that you select the ‘charge applicant for check’ toggle button underneath then select ‘send’. This will send an email to the applicant from UCheck, they will then be required to fill in a form with their personal details.
You will receive an email notification once the DBS application form has been completed by the GP applicant.
Ask the GP applicant for a copy of their Passport, Driver’s License and a Utility Bill from the last three months (please refer to the DBS document guidance on UCheck for other documents that can be used.) Original documents need to be seen in person or via the Digital Identity Checks on UCheck.
You will need to verify that you have seen the appropriate documentary evidence and enter the passport/ driving license number and verify that the utility bill address matches their home address.
The DBS will then be processed and we will be notified of the outcome.
Check the result is Clear and download the PDF and save it in the DBS folder within the GP’s folder in the following format YYYY-MM-DD DBS check. Any concerns should be flagged to the DMD immediately.
Once saved, RotaMaster will need updating with the new check completed.
DBS’s are considered valid for 3 years from the date of the check.
Right to work check
The Right to Work check is completed for all new Independent GPs. If a right to work is time-limited, BrisDoc will need to check their documents again when it’s due to expire. RotaMaster will email the Clinical Relationship Coordinator email 90 days before this is due to trigger this process.
On 6 April 2022, changes came into force regarding the use of biometric cards. Holders can no longer use their physical card as evidence of a right to work, and are now required to use the Home Office online service.
Check details of a job applicant’s right to work in the UK, including:
- the types of work they’re allowed to do
- how long they can work in the UK for, if there’s a time limit
You’ll need the applicant’s:
- date of birth
- right to work share code
To complete the check visit https://www.gov.uk/view-right-to-work and follow the right to work form.
Check the result is Clear to work and download the results as a PDF and save them in the Right to Work folder within the GP’s folder in the following format YYYY-MM-DD Right to Work. Any concerns should be flagged to the Rota Team Manager immediately.
Once saved, RotaMaster will need updating with the new check completed.
Indemnity check
The SEGP’s indemnity is checked during onboarding process. This is not recorded on RotaMaster however saved in their folder.
It is then the clinician’s responsibility to keep their indemnity up to date.
All compliance information will be monitored through the SevernSide Clinical Recruitment and Retention Group dashboard.
Monthly the Clinical Relationship Coordinator will input the figures into the dashboard to report back to the group on progress of ongoing compliance.
Change Log
Date | Version | Author | Changes |
09/04/2024 | Draft | Dan Cotton | Initial draft |
19/08/2024 | 1.0 | Dan Cotton | First version |